Good weather with a stiff breeze meant a quick race though a new start and finish at the outdoor centre meant a different set of times, although race was probably the same length the initial climb had been removed, therefore I'd guess a quicker route?
Anyway as I recall it was a win for Brendon Taylor of Rossendale with Math Roberts 2nd and a welcome return for Alun Vaughan in 3rd. Paul Jenks a good 2nd vet 40 behind Geran Abergele and Russell Owen in 3rd. A superb win and run by back in fast form SPJ in the vet 50's with Iwan Edgard 2nd vet 50, and another win for supervet Don W in the 60's. In the ladies Andrea R and Becky Law were 1st and 2nd, with Annie Williams, I think, first vet 40 and supervet Maggie Oliver first vet 60.
Cheers James McQ once again!
Thanks James. Why does it take longer for the results to be posted than in previous years please?